Friday, March 22, 2019

Who Is the Youth Governor?

Who is the Youth Governor?
By Alex Zuffoletti - Renaissance School

The position of Youth Governor is the highest position at the Virginia YMCA Model General Assembly. Top students from competitive schools across the state attempt to get elected to this position every year. The YMCA Model General Assembly, has existed since 1948, making it 70 years running ( The event is both well established and respected in Virginia (n.d.). Many students work hard all year in order to attend the event. They volunteer, study local issues, as well as work hard in school. MGA is a program which attendees take seriously and take the experience as practice for future office.  

Many former and current Virginia politicians participated in the program as teens. Participation in the program allows for experiential learning on the function of the state government, and promotes debate among high school aged teens on current issues in the state. Some students however choose to take their experience at MGA to a level which requires a higher degree of preparedness, knowledge, and skill. They can run for an elected office in the program, such as Youth Governor, Attorney General, and speakers in the House and Senate. These positions require hard work throughout the year, and leadership throughout the weekend of MGA.
The Youth Governor’s main role at MGA is to review bills which have been debated and passed in committees, as well as House and Senate chambers. Bills are debated and moved around the capitol all weekend, and the Youth Governor and their staff monitor bills and debate constitutionality and effectiveness of bills with their cabinet and officers. The responsibility of the Youth Governor may be a simulation but is not something that is taken lightly by the delegates of MGA and the elected officers.

The Youth Governor for the 2019 MGA conference is Tommy Dannenfelser, YMCA Arlington - Bishop O'Connell who said, “I’m so excited for the chance to empower students my age! Beyond just the speechwriting and interviews, I see it as an opportunity to learn servant leadership, putting others needs before my own”.

“ The Model General Assembly.” Virginia YMCA,

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