Friday, March 22, 2019

New Year, New Openings - Opening Ceremonies

New Year, New Openings - Opening Ceremonies

By Madison Powers - Eastside High School

As we start this year's Model General Assembly, there are a few changes to be accounted for. The first major change is the location of the opening session is being held. Last year and in previous years, the opening session has been held in the Saint Paul's Episcopal Church. This year it took place in the Richmond Convention Center which was a lovely change of scenery. To begin the assembly, we all stood and had a word of Prayer. The assembly continued as the Youth Legislation was sworn in and the YMCA President of the Board of Directors spoke to the congregation on his hopes for this year. He continued with the appreciation this organization has for the hard-working individuals who make this weekend possible. Virginia's Governor Ralph Northam and Youth Governor Tommy Dannenfelser were then escorted and presented to the assembly.  

Governor Northam expressed his excitement for the upcoming topics and debates this year. Youth Governor Dannenfelser then called for a “State of Emergency for Virginia”, stating that not only is there an Opioid abuse epidemic across our state, there's also an overpopulation in high schools. He encouraged the members of this organization to share their opinions saying it was up to us to pass and deny bills to help these problems diminish. Following the Governor and Youth Governor’s speeches, a few awards honoring the people who deserve recognition  were given. Then came the closing of the session, where Governor Ralph Northam and Youth Governor Tommy Dannenfelser were escorted out. Overall, a great start to a promising year at MGA.

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