MGA Travel Tales
By Tommy Worden – YMCA Arlington – Woodlawn
MGA is all about the “Introduction of high school students in
Virginia to a model legislation process of presented bills and arguments that
can be debated as well as discussed in committees done on actual Virginia
Senate and House of delegate floors,” as stated by the Official YMCA website
(2019). How these students got here is a less discussed topic as it is not the
focal point of what makes an enticing MGA experience. Everyone who attends MGA
has arrived through some form of transportation, these people may have picked
up a story or two during their travels.
Paul Bean, Bishop O’Connell, stated that he, “was thrown
into the back of a cramped car for three hours” before arriving to his first
MGA. The seats that were left were the two back seats but his friend who was
said to have been “bigger than him,” was given the right to sit in the more
spacious seat while Paul was left with the the smaller, more cramped seat.
Luckily, Paul was rewarded with a trip to McDonalds for having to squeeze into
the back of a crowded car where legroom was not an option for him. Besides the
long, and less than spacious car ride, and the treat of McDonalds, it was noted
that when they began entering into Richmond, they were able to visit the art
museum which was stated as being, “a beautiful place.”
On the other hand, not all trips are too entertaining or filled
with stories that someone would deem interesting. Jason Marshall, who is a
senior at Eastside High school said that his trip to MGA was “boring” and that
it was “not an interesting trip”. Jason lives in St. Paul, Virginia, meaning
that he was on a ride for five hours where nothing happened. Sometimes people
have a great story to tell but other times, there can be nothing at all.
Jason Marshall Paul Bean
“MGA Program – Virginia
YMCA.” Virginia YMCA, 2019,
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